This man’s search engine makes the world a greener, better place
Shane Thomas McMillan
"I want to prove that there is a more ethical alternative to the kind of greedy capitalism that is coming close to destroying the planet,” says Christian Kroll, founder and chief executive of search engine Ecosia, in a profile published by the BBC today.

Ecosia makes its money in the same way as Google – from advertising revenues. It earns cash every time someone clicks on one of the adverts that appears above and beside its search results. Unlike Google or other search engines, though, it then donates 80% of the profits to tree-planting charities such as WeForest, with whom it has grown 3,961,142 trees in Burkina Faso.

“WeForest’s vision is to make earth cooler with everything we buy and every service we consume. Christian’s unique Ecosia model is an inspiration to us all,” comments Marie-Noelle Keijzer, CEO of WeForest.

Read the rest of the article on the BBC website here.
