Celebrating the impact of FLR across the globe
A global event will celebrate the first milestone year of the Bonn Challenge and the enormous impact of the forest landscape restoration movement.

#RestoreOurFuture, a live 24-hour digital event on 2 September hosted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), will be a chance to share thoughts on why restoration is an essential nature-based solution to tackling climate change, food security, land degradation and social challenges.

Global leaders and restoration champions will celebrate the benefits that forest landscape restoration brings, and will call for increased global commitments from governments to restore our future in advance of the 2030 Bonn Challenge milestone and UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Profiling one country on the hour every hour, the event will feature videos of case study restoration projects and live panel discussions. Influencers and spokespeople already involved include Bianca Jagger and Bruno Oberle, the Director General of IUCN, and hundreds of other restoration influencers and champions.

To join the session, register here.
