Welcome to Muhundwe Primary School
In August, our team had the opportunity to visit Muhundwe Primary School in Kinesi, Tanzania, to check up on how they’re progressing with our project.

Over the last 3 years they have grown an impressive 1,250 trees. These trees provide a variety of resources for the children, providing timber for chairs and desks and fruit for afternoon snacks. Plus, it provides a lush playground for the children to enjoy their breaks.

During the visit, our team found out that the children bring water to nourish the growing seedlings. Every day these kids bring that much needed resource for the thirsty seedlings and everyday they go home and fill their empty containers for the following day.

We are super excited to see the sense of ownership and responsibility exhibited by the school children towards the growing trees. This experience will provide them with the opportunity to interact with nature and care for their environment first hand. That’s so important because it teaches them the value of forests and why they should look after it.
