Meet Elisabeth Zimba
Elisabeth Zimba is 65 years old but she still manages her 2 hectares of farmland in Luanshya in Zambia’s copperbelt province.

She recently joined our project to restore the Miombo woodlot on her land and we had the chance to hear what that means to her.

She explains that “the training was very successful because only now I know the value of my trees and how I can manage and benefit from them”. With a smile on her face she told us that “at least I know that, if I take good care of these trees now, it will be something I can give to my children when I’m old”.

For women like Elisabeth, our project in Zambia provides opportunities to earn a living while restoring forests. With the trees on their plot of land, farming communities can harvest timber, fruit and biomass sustainably, provide for their families and, importantly, Make Earth Cooler.

Elisabeth is one of the oldest trainees involved in the project but that doesn’t stop her. We love hearing from women like her because it shows the very real impact we are having on local communities across the globe and we are super excited to show you what we are able to achieve thanks to your support.
