Consultancy: Market Systems diagnosis study for honey
General objective: To understand existing and potential opportunities and challenges within the beekeeping sector in Mulanje and Phalombe District and to identify intervention scenarios, using a Market Systems Development lens.

The multi-year (2023-2034) co-management project, led by WeForest aims to bring 9000 ha of miombo woodland within the Mt Mulanje Forest Reserve under co-management between communities and the Forest Department. Approximately 12 Forest Block Committees (FBCs) will be revamped/established to take the lead in the sustainable forest management activities of the woodlands. To sustain the long-term finance needed to carry out those activities, forest businesses will be supported to generate a continuous cash flow.

Beekeeping has been identified as a potential business and a trial pilot project of 600 Kenyan top-bar hives in the Forest Reserve has been kicked off in 2020. The current negotiated modality lists that Forest Block Committees sub-contract independent beekeeping groups who are tasked to manage the apiary, receiving a 25% profit share. The 75% remaining profit share is to be used by the FBC to manage the forest. Before scaling up (potentially to up to 4000 hives), WeForest requires an in-depth assessment of the beekeeping sector market system to design a strong intervention, embedding sustainability in the process (avoiding dependency on WeForest). The assessment will focus on all market players, supporting functions of the beekeeping sector and rules governing the system (the market system ‘doughnut’), with particular attention to the following functions: production, processing and sales of honey and equipment supply (mainly focused on quality beehives as initial information indicates a big quality issue).

How to apply

Consultants may apply individually or as teams. In the case of teams, roles & responsibilities should be clearly presented. Applicants are invited to submit their offers by 15th December 2022 at the latest at the following address:, indicating the reference “MSD honey Mulanje” in the email subject. Offers must include:
• A technical offer (no more than 3 pages)
• A financial offer including daily rates and potential local travel costs
• Consultant’s CV demonstrating their ability to fulfil the study
• At least two professional references
• One or two studies or reports produced and written by the consultant(s) for similar tasks