The Global Forest Transition as a Human Affair

Landscapes do not happen. We shape them. Changes to Earth’s forest landscapes are primarily driven by human social processes like economy, policy and behaviour. There are now many policies & initiatives aimed at halting forest loss and increasing forest restoration. Yet we are still losing forests.
Towering above restoration

The relationship between forests, water and climate is complicated. To understand how forest restoration impacts water and climate processes, WeForest is participating in a new flux tower experiment, led by ESALQ – University of São Paulo and The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). The tower is being built in the middle of a 30 hectare experimental restoration forest in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, São Paulo state.
Forest-Water Capacity Building in Ethiopia

WeForest, in collaboration with FAO’s Forest and Water Programme and GIZ delivered a forest-water capacity building workshop in Mekelle, Ethiopia during June 2018. The workshop trained technical participants from a range of government, NGO and research organisations aiming to build the capacity and knowledge of forest-water monitoring in Ethiopia, as it relates to Forest and […]
Closely woven: water & carbon cycles

A recent paper published in Nature provides new evidence of how closely interwoven Earth’s water and carbon cycles are.
Setting the Standard for Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR)

“Governments need quality standards to know whether we are achieving FLR or not. We don’t want FLR to be fake news.”
Restoring Forests and Landscapes: the key to a sustainable future

Land degradation already negatively impacts the lives of 3.2 billion people across the globe.
Interconnecting Forests, Water and People

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has published a new global scientific assessment highlighting the need for an integrated approach to managing forest and water resources in order to achieve the environmental, social and economic targets set out under the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This important report details the current state of […]