Wof Washa Forest, Ethiopia

How to communicate about your partnership with WeForest

Welcome to the forest restoration movement!

We would love for you to communicate about your work with WeForest and help spread the word. Here are some useful tools for you to use. 

When using our photos and videos please be sure to mention the copyright ©.

Please check our guidelines on how to communicate about your partnership with WeForest (appropriate wording, process and links).

Thank you.

Step 1: Important guidelines

First, please read these essential principles of how to communicate about our partnership accurately.

We value transparency and integrity highly, so it’s important to use the right terminology to describe our projects and approaches.


For all funders with a partner page

Here’s how to find your way around your partner page – and some ideas about how and where to share it.

If you haven’t already sent us content for your partner page, please visit Step 5 to find the submission form and instructions.

Ideas of how and where to share your page:

  • Embed your partner page in your own website. Please see our how-to on how to do this. You can choose to embed your whole page, one particular project, or even a specific site. Of course, you can embed different views in multiple places on your site.
  • Add links to your partner page in relevant blog posts, press releases, social media posts, email signature, internal/employee newsletters., etc
  • Display one of our partner badges in your website footer or email signature, with a link to your partner page.
  • Each post in STORIES has a share button to allow you to share the posts on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Have you read our communication principles?

It’s important that partners communicate accurately about WeForest and its projects, using the right terms and language. It’s also essential that our photos and videos – which are sometimes taken by external providers – are properly credited when you use them in your communications.

Our Communication Principles tell you everything you need to know about communicating about your partnership with WeForest. Please download them, read them carefully and keep them for future reference.

Don't forget the copyright!

When using our photos and videos, please be sure to display the copyright (usually “© WeForest”, but this can vary). You can find the credit for each image with its description in Flickr.