Singing for Trees
Cath Grant
Cath Grant shared this song with WeForest, signifying the ecological importance of trees.

One thousand civilizations have we seen flourish and die, when the next one is forgotten,

We will have endured,

We will have survived.


For we draw the rains from the sky,

the lungs of planet Earth are we,

Your next breaths dependent on our co-operation,

If you please.


One thousand civilizations have we seen flourish and decay,

Blinded by their own success, they’re inexorably swept away.

For we draw the rains from the sky, the lungs of planet Earth are we,

The giver of breath to all creation,

Each and every glorious tree.


One thousand civilizations have we seen flourish, then die.

When the last one is forgotten, we won’t shed a tear, but thrive.

For we draw the rains from the sky, the lungs of planet Earth are we,

Your next breath is on us,

Your one true saviour

The humble  tree.


Vocal credits: Cath Grant

Lyrics by Craig Worsley.

Lyrics, Original Music by Craig Worsley

Videography, Editing by Craig and Thomas Worsley

Rendition and Original Music by Suzanne Serelle