Our partners in restoration

We work hand-in-hand with organizations, governments and local communities to develop and carry out Forest and Landscape Restoration projects.

AES Brasil

Tietê Forests is a joint project conceptualized and developed with AES Brasil since 2020.


Our restoration partner in the Regreening Ferlo project in Senegal.


The private company that implements the restoration activities in Tietê Forests.


Specialists in market systems development, rolling out the Senegal livelihood activities.

Frankfurt Zoological Society

Leaders of the USAID-funded (HEARTH) Global Development Alliance project in Mukungule.

Fundación Vida Silvestre

FVS is in the driving seat of the execution of activities in our Misiones project.

Global Resource Alliance

An all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization driving activities in Mara and Butiama, Tanzania.

The Hunger Project

WeForest’s restoration partner in our projects in Machakel and Gewocha Forest, Ethiopia. 


WeForest supports the agroforestry in IDESAM’s Apuí Agroforestry Coffee project.

Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas

WeForest is the longest-standing partner in IPÊ’s Corridors of Life project in Pontal.


An environmental endowment trust, implementing partner in our Mulanje project.


Implementing partner in our Sine-Saloum and Casamance mangroves projects.


A Uni. of São Paulo group coordinating agroforestry at field-level in Tietê Forests.


An Ethiopian NGO and our restoration partner in Wof Washa.


Drivers of our restoration project in the Mafinga Hills, Zambia.

WWF Netherlands

Co-conceptualized the Misiones project with WeForest and FVS, and partly funds it.